The Ones You Need!
Nothing builds fond memories better than hanging by the pool with close family and friends on a hot summer day. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada has seen a surge in backyard pool installations.
Well, a pool is only as enjoyable as its accessories. Here’s what you need to know about pool accessories for all types of homes and swimmers!
Lighting can make or break any outdoor space, and nowhere is that more true than your pool. Here’s what you need to know.
Different Types of Pool Lighting
String lighting, rope lighting, uplighting, light posts, and so much more. There are hundreds of different lighting options to choose from, including the softness or brightness, the style, and the fixtures you prefer. Different options may work differently for different pools as well!
For example, above-ground pools could look nice with rope lighting around the top, whereas inground pools may benefit more from overhead lighting.
Tips for Selecting and Installing Pool Lighting
The most important tip is to set the mood. If you want to host crazy pool parties, then you’ll want some nice LED lights to brighten up your space and make it a 24-hour party pool.
Conversely, if you want to set a calming atmosphere for you, your family, and your friends to hang out by the pool at nighttime, then a firepit and some rope lighting is all you need.
Giving yourself options is a great way to enjoy the pool with whoever you want to invite. You can easily do this with a dimmer switch or by adding more lighting alternatives to your pool and patio area.
Everybody loves waterfalls, and adding one to your pool is sure to stand out. Here’s what you need to know.
Different Types of Waterfalls
Adding an artificial waterfall to your pool area is delicate. You don’t want to take up too much of your space, but you also want to ensure that it’s visible and matches your aesthetic.
You can choose a natural-looking waterfall with stones and a stream coming down if you have the space for it.
If not, you can choose a simple extension that comes out of the pool and acts as a nice “waterfall” to hold your head under. There are also plenty of fountains or sprinkler options to choose from that can have a similar effect.
Tips for Selecting and Installing Waterfalls
First, and most importantly, make sure any additions match your aesthetic. For example, don’t choose a modern, obviously-artificial waterfall if you have a natural stone patio and garden all around.
Also, you need to make sure that the visual effect is worth the space. With some basic landscaping and enough room, there’s no limit to the scale of your project.
However, installing a waterfall on your own can be tricky. If you aren’t up for the learning curve, then we suggest hiring a professional. Otherwise, make sure you have the right tools and knowledge before you start!
If you want to turn your backyard pool into the top water park in town, then the best accessory you can buy is a pool slide. Here’s what you need to know.
Different Types of Pool Slides
Slides follow the same rules as straws. There are straight, curved, curly, and crazy options to choose from.
Ask your children to help you pick one out. They know best!
Tips for Selecting and Installing Pool Slides
When it comes to pool slides, safety is key. Always hire a professional for these jobs, as the risk of shirtless adventurers falling on the concrete pool deck is a serious issue.
Automatic Pool Covers
Pool covers are the best option for keeping your pool covered during the off-season. And automatic pool covers allow you to cover your pool every day with minimal effort, keeping unwanted guests, pests, and debris out of your pool.
How Automatic Pool Covers Work
Automatic pool covers work along a track, which rotates to cover or uncover the pool. This allows you to cover your pool with the flip of a switch.
Tips For Selecting and Installing Automatic Pool Covers
As always, read reviews before purchasing a specific product. Things that move along a track electronically while also submerged in water can easily go wrong. Other than that, make sure you get the proper size and material for your pool!
Heating Systems
Heating your pool can turn an annual pool party into a weekly pool party. Here’s what you need to know.
Tips For Selecting and Installing Pool Heating Systems
The biggest tip for choosing a heating system is to look at your budget and read reviews. Not all heating systems are built equally, so it’s important to choose a system you can afford and that you won’t need to repair any time soon.
Safety Features
Is there anything more important than safety when it comes to the pool? Around 232 people die every year from unintentional drowning across Canada. Therefore, every pool with children needs certain safety features, including a fence or gate, ladders, covers, flotation devices, and more.
Tips for Selecting and Installing Pool Safety Features
Most importantly, remember who you are trying to protect. Try to purchase age-appropriate and species-appropriate safety features when possible. Young children, pets, adults, and guests will all have different needs.
The Takeaway
Now that you know how to choose the best accessories for pools, why wait? Summer is just around the corner, and there’s no time like the present to turn your pool into the best hangout spot in town.
Stay up to date with our latest tips for homeowners, and don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or for help with your design!