What You Need And How To Use Them
Purchasing a hot tub is a great asset to your home.
However, it’s important to keep it in tip-top shape. One of the best ways to do so is to make sure that you’re keeping your hot tub water clean. To do this, you’ll need to have a steady line-up of hot tub chemicals to keep your spa sparkling clean.
Maybe you just purchased a new hot tub or you’ve got some experience with hot tubs. Either way, this guide will set you up to know what chemicals you’ll need, how they will affect your tub’s water, and how to add them in.
What Chemicals Do I Need For A Hot Tub
Hot tubs are great investments year-round and everyone is sure to love going for a dip. However, it’s important to keep that water crystal clear at all times.
Since the water is warm, this creates an environment where levels can fluctuate.
Warm water can also be prone to bacteria growth. No one wants that in their hot tub so that’s where chemicals come into play. Using chemicals for a hot tub is a lot like chemistry.
The chemical balance in hot tubs can fluctuate due to a variety of factors such as soaps or lotions, body oils, rainwater and even temperature. The best way to keep things stable is by testing and adding the proper chemicals.
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Products To Adjust The pH And Alkalinity
First of all, to determine what the pH and alkalinity levels are in your hot tub, you’ll need to pop a test strip in.
Test strips will tell you the levels of a couple of different things, specifically the pH, alkalinity, chlorine, free chlorine, and total hardness. Depending on what the levels are in your hot tub you can select from a couple of products. If the alkalinity level is too high, adding in a pH decreaser will provide more stable levels.
However, if you’re alkalinity level is too low, you can opt to add in an alkalinity increaser which will bring the levels back up where they need to be. However, it is important to stabilize alkalinity levels before adjusting pH levels.
Based on the 1.0 to 14.0 pH scale, the ideal range is 7.4 to 7.6.
If your test trips indicate that your water has a high level of acidity, that means that your water’s pH is low. To counter this, using a pH increaser that contains sodium carbonate is the best option to bring levels back up.
Hot Tub Shock
If there’s one product that will eliminate bacteria, it’s hot tub shock. Even though you have a regular sanitization schedule, sometimes bacteria can still grow.
That’s why you must add a bottle of hot tub shock to your collection of chemicals for hot tub maintenance. Shocking your hot tub once a week will kill bacteria and get rid of any contaminants that are remaining.
Water Clarifier
A water clarifier is your chemical of choice when your hot tub water is cloudy and you can’t get rid of it.
Three things that a hot tub water clarifier does to your hot tub are:
makes cloudy water clear
improves the efficiency of your filter
maintains the pH balance
This chemical is excellent for getting rid of even the cloudiest water. Not to mention its sequestering agent removes heavy metals and calcium from the water so the water stays clear, not brown.
Hot Tub Sanitizer
The bottom line is that hot tub sanitizers are essential to maintaining the safety and absence of bacteria in hot tub water.
This chemical stops mould, algae, and other unpleasant things from growing over time. These can develop from heavy usage or when the tub is left standing still for an extended period.
It eliminates anything that is brought into the tub from the environment or a user.
Calcium Hardness Increaser
Calcium Hardness Increaser is a chemical that is used to increase the calcium hardness levels of water in hot tubs.
Why is this chemical important to have? Well having the correct calcium levels gives your spa water a softer feel. Another reason this chemical is so useful is that it reduces the chance of corrosion in your tub.
The most popular type of this chemical is calcium chloride. Most of the time, this type of increaser is usually purchased as flaked or granular. Another type of this chemical that increases hardness is calcium chloride dihydrate, which is commonly offered as a powder.
Since calcium chloride is anhydrous, or devoid of water, and calcium chloride dihydrate contains water molecules, this is the main distinction between the two compounds.
Hot Tub Defoamer
If you’re experiencing a bunch of foamy bubbles then hot tub defoamer is the chemical you’ll want to use.
This product is used to prevent and minimize the amount of foam in your hot tub. One of the reasons foam develops in the first place is due to agents that are introduced into the water, such as lotions or detergents still in bathing suits.
Usually, this chemical is added to the water as a preventative step before foam actually shows up.
How To Add Chemicals To A Hot Tub?
Now that you know about the best chemicals to use for keeping your hot tub balanced, here are some tips for adding them to your spa.
Before adding anything, always read and follow the label
Assess the size of your hot tub because the amount of chemicals is dependent
Ensure you follow the recommended order of chemicals as directed
Measure out the appropriate amount of the selected chemical
Turn the jets on
Add in your chemicals
Wait approximately 20 minutes before adding a second dose
Make sure you’re using protective gear when handling chemicals
Leave your tub on to make sure the chemicals are distributed and circulating
Always wash your hands after handling any chemicals
It is recommended that you wait at least 30 minutes before hopping back in the hot tub. However, if you’d like to play it on the same side you can wait overnight for up to 24 hours.
FAQ: Hot Tub Chemicals
How Long Do Hot Tub Chemicals Last?
There are a couple of factors that go into determining how long your chemicals will last in your hot tub.
You must consider the amount you’ve added in, what type of chemical it is, and how it has been stored. A surefire method is guaranteed by checking the label on your hot tub chemicals.
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Can You Maintain A Hot Tub Without Chemicals?
In short, you can’t use or maintain a hot tub without the recommended essential chemicals. By using chemicals, you’re balancing the water and keeping bacteria at bay.
This helps to make sure that your water stays clean and your bathers are protected while enjoying the hot tub.
How To Set Up Hot Tub Chemicals?
To set up your hot tub chemicals, one of the best practices is checking which chemicals interact with each other. The majority of the time, this information can be found on the label.
How To Store Hot Tub Chemicals?
The best way for you to store hot tub chemicals is in an area where they will be shielded from heat and moisture. Both of these can damage the properties of hot tub chemicals which will make them less effective.
The Takeaway
As a hot tub owner, using the right chemicals, the right way, is one if not the most important duty of an owner. Neglecting to keep up with a regular maintenance routine will decline the quality of water and can put users at risk.
If you want to make sure you’re doing the most as a hot tub owner, having your water tested by professionals is one way you can go the extra mile.
Bring in a sample of your water and your local pool store will not only test the water but tell you exactly what chemicals you need.
They will also tell you the right amounts to help you keep your hot tub completely balanced. Not only will your hot tub thank you but so will your bathers.
Book your consultation today to learn more about hot tub chemicals.